Thursday, February 3, 2011

Cute mini Valentine's day cards

Well the other day I got an itch to play around with the cricut, and came up with these little cuties!  I used the Sweet Treats cartridge's little cupcakes and hearts.  I had everything set on 2".  I liked the first cupcake with the little swirly doo-dad on top.  So cute with all the bling and glitter!  Love it.  It was a good way to get rid of some of my scrap paper.

(The little hearts were the layer piece from the cupcake with the heart on top--I also used 2")   I ended up using 8 1/2 X 11" cardstock, cutting them into 4 equal squares, which ended up making little cards the size of 2 3/4" by 4" when folded.  Then I just used a scalloped edge stamper for bottom.  I used plain ol' elmer's glue for the swirly and put some glitter.

My daughter comes in from school and says, "what are these for mommy?"  I said "these are going to be your valentine's day cards for your classmates".  She was like "oh ok, great.  They are so pretty!  But mommy, umm......where are the blue and green ones for the boys???"  She was dead serious!  LOL  I 'm thinking oh my gosh, it's valentine's day, geez!  everything is pink, purple,  and red!!!

For heaven's sake, I got suckered in to making some more for the boys.  Needless to say, now I have enough for both Summer's class and Lance's class.